
STOPSTORM at ECMP Dublin 2022

Dr. Oliver Blanck, WP4 Lead presented the STOPSTORM project at ECMP Dublin August 2022

Title: Pattern-Of-Practise, Multi-Centre Benchmarks and Credentialing Workflow for Contouring, Treatment Planning and Delivery of STereotactic Arrhythmia Radioablation from the Consortium

Summary: The EU-Horizon-2020 STOPSTORM (; Grant: 945119) project comprises 31 clinical/research institutes and is divided into nine work-packages centred around a comprehensive STAR treatment registry. We present the first results of the quality-assurance work-package with respect to: (1) Credentialing, audit and review workflows for STAR within the registry; (2) STAR patterns-of-practise in Europe based on comprehensive surveys; (3) Benchmark results for contouring and treatment planning based on three example STAR cases; and (4) Quality-assurance levels within the consortium based on treatment unit audits and dose measurements.

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