
Institut klincké a experimentální medicíny (IKEM)

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The Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM) is the largest specialised clinical and scientific research institute in the Czech Republic. Over 300 physicians and 600 nurses care for patients in three specialised centres, over 315 beds are available, of which 111 are located in intensive care units.

IKEM is focused on cardiovascular diseases, organ transplants, diabetology and metabolism disorders.

The Cardiology Department is the largest and the most comprehensive cardiology centre in the country, and the Arrythmia unit performs over 1000 ablation procedures each year. It is also the largest specialized centre for catheter ablation of VT in the Czech Republic and around 200-230 patients are treated annually, including 130 in patients with structural heart diseases. IKEM is the national reference centre for patients who require complex ablation procedures, including epicardial mapping/ablation.

Since 2017 the electrophysiology (EP) team of IKEAM has been a pioneer in using radiotherapy to treat VT, and has gained significant experience in providing STAR treatment. This includes the development of a methodology to integrate electroanatomical mapping with CT imaging, which is essential for proper targeting of radiotherapy. CHUV is one of the centres with the greatest experience in STAR within the STOPSTORM consortium.

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Prof. Josef Kautzner

Prof. Josef Kautzner is an electrophysiologist and head of the IKEM Cardiology Department. He will be involved in local coordination of STOPSTORM and patient recruitment for STAR.


Dr. Marek Šramko

Dr. Marek Šramko is the head of the Acute Cardiology Division of the Cardiology Department at IKEM. He has extensive experience with image integration during electrophysiology procedure and will be involved in the development of image integration for targeting of STAR.

Dr. Petr Peichl

Dr. Petr Peichl is Associate Professor at the Department of Cardiology. He is the head of catheter ablation program in IKEM. He will be involved in patient recruitment for STAR.




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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 945119. Follow us on Twitter and Linkedin.

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