
UMC Utrecht

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UMC Utrecht in The Netherlands is a top-ranked academic medical center in Europe and offers excellent opportunities in the field of patient care, cure, education, career development and research. UMC Utrecht has been awarded international accreditation on quality of care, research and education by the Joint Commission International (JCI) for the third time in 2019. The academic hospital is part of the Utrecht University, ranking 49 on the 2019 Shanghai Ranking, as number 1 university of The Netherlands. Two of the six strategic themes of the UMCU are Circulatory Health and Cancer.  

The Department of Radiotherapy of the UMCU is part of the division of Imaging and Oncology. It is the treatment center for the Middle Netherlands region, and operates at the forefront of innovative developments to improve radiation accuracy: the MR-linac was invented here. 

The Department of Cardiology of the UMCU is a tertiary referral centre and a centre of expertise in several subspecialties (e.g. heart transplantations, left ventricular assist devices and genetic heart disorders), for both clinical care and research. In the UMCU ablations and device implantations are performed daily (between 30 and 50 VT ablations each year, this number is growing) and therefore the department is well equiped and highly experienced in catheter ablations. In other research projects our department has developed experience with non-invasive ECG-imaging. 

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Dr. Martin Fast, PhD

Dr. Martin Fast, PhD is an Associate Professor at the Department of Radiotherapy at UMCU. As a physicist, Dr. Fast is spearheading the development of MRI-guided real-time adaptive radiotherapy. Within STOPSTORM Dr. Fast is responsible for delivering WP5 as WP-lead. In Q4 2023 he acted as interim coordinator of the STOPSTORM consortium facilitating the transfer of coordinatorship to CAU.

Dr. Stefano Mandija

Stefano Mandija is the Data & Infrastructure Manager and Work Package 3 Co-Lead for STOPSTORM. He is an assistant professor at the Radiotherapy department of the University Medical Center Utrecht (The Netherlands). His research topics range from fundamental and methodological research to clinical development of quantitative MRI methods and MRI biomarkers for diagnostic and radiotherapy treatment response prediction and monitoring. In particular, he works on the characterization of tissue electrical properties for radiotherapy treatments efficacy assessment using MRI (NWO recipient VENI grant 2020), MRI-guided cardiac radio-ablation using stereotactic radiotherapy (STOPSTORM.eu consortium), MRI-based guidance of spinal cord stimulation (RESTORE and Prep2GO consortia), and he also supports the development and translation of quantitative MRI methods in clinical settings (MR-STAT).

Dr. Rutger Hassink

Dr. Hassink's area of interest is electrophysiology. He guides and treats patients with cardiac arrhythmias. This treatment takes place by means of medication or ablation. Dr. Hassink also implants pacemakers, ICDs and CRTDs. In addition, he has a special cardiogenic consultation for patients with congenital or hereditary forms of heart disease that (may) be accompanied by cardiac arrhythmia

Dr. Hassink studied medicine in Groningen and for one year in Boston (USA). He received his medical degree in 2001. He conducted PhD research at Utrecht University and the University of Indianapolis (USA) to obtain his doctorate in 2004 with the thesis 'Regenerating the Heart'. In 2005 he started training as a cardiologist at the hospital in Den Bosch and at the UMC Utrecht. Since 2011 Dr. Hassink is a registered cardiologist and works at the UMC Utrecht. He subsequently specialized in electrophysiology. Dr. Hassink works every day with great pleasure and in close consultation with his patients on the optimal diagnosis and treatment of heart defects and cardiac rhythm disorders.

Dr. Sandrine van de Pol

Dr. Sandrine van de Pol is a radiation oncologist at UMCU.

Ir. Luuk van der Pol

Luuk is a PhD student, who has been hired to work under WP5. He conducted his master thesis in the radiotherapy department of the UMC Utrecht and decided to stay in research. In order to finish his medical engineering degree in the medical image analysis group at Eindhoven University of Technology, he spent four months on radiotherapy research in Toronto (Canada).

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 945119. Follow us on Twitter and Linkedin.

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