
Universität zu Lübeck (UZL)

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Universität zu Lübeck (UZL) is one of the highest ranked universities in the German-speaking world, and focusses research and training on life sciences, as reflected in the motto: Im Focus das Leben. Programmes are offered in medicine, informatics, molecular life science, computational life sciences, and medical engineers, as well as a master’s program in biomedical engineering in collaboration with Lübeck University of Applied Sciences. Our internationally renowned research is both innovative and knowledge-oriented, and driven by intensive and interdisciplinary collaboration at the university. In addition, we work continuously together with other national and international research institutions to improve the quality of research and education.

The Institute for Robotics and Cognitive Systems at the University of Lübeck focuses on medical robotics, an interdisciplinary field between medicine, computer science, physics, mathematics and engineering. Scientists from our group designed the first medical robotic systems. In particular, our robotic radiosurgery methods are replacing conventional radiosurgery, and over 1.000.000 cancer patients have been treated worldwide. Members of the institute have initiated large-scale and nationwide research efforts. The main topics of research include mathematical methods for motion correlation and prediction, as well as methods for image-guided navigation and inverse planning.

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Dr. Achim Schweikard

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Achim Schweikard is a Full Professor at UZL and Director of the Institute of Robotics and Cognitive Systems. His research areas include medical robotics and artificial intelligence methods. He has invented numerous technologies in medical robotics, and his invention of correlation-based tracking for cancer radiosurgery has become the standard of care in cancer radiosurgery.


Dr. Floris Ernst

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Floris Ernst is an Associate Professor for Medical Robotics at UZL. He specialises on algorithms for medical robotics, robot design and human-robot interaction. Current research projects include robotic ultrasound, artificial intelligence methods for aortic valve replacement, and augmented/virtual reality techniques for navigation in endovascular and peripheral arterial surgeries.

Dr. Roland Richard Tilz

Prof. Dr. med. Univ. Roland Richard Tilz is the deputy head of Medical clinic II and the head of the section for electrophysiology.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 945119. Follow us on Twitter and Linkedin.

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