
The University Hospital of Zurich (USZ)

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The University Hospital of Zurich (USZ) is an academic hospital and one of the largest hospitals in Switzerland, with approximately 42.000 in-patient and 600.000 out-patient treatments performed by 44 different departments and institutes. USZ has a very strong translational and clinical research focus, showcased by tight research collaboration with the University of Zurich and the ETH Zurich

The Department of Radiation Oncology is renowned for its expertise and clinical research in the development and application of high-precision radiotherapy, particularly in stereotactic radiotherapy of lung, live and spine tumours. As such it has founded the first “Interdisciplinary Center for High-precision radiotherapy” in Switzerland in 2015. In 2019 the Department of Radiation Oncology - together with the Department of Cardiology - performed the first MR-guided radioablation of a recurrent VT worldwide.

The Department of Cardiology is a tertiary care centre for the treatment of all sorts of cardiovascular disease. Our arrhythmia unit is one of the largest in Switzerland, currently performing > 600 catheter ablations and > 400 cardiac device implantations per year. It is a national leading institution for the diagnosis and treatment of complex ventricular arrhythmias. Due to close collaboration with ETH Zurich, the Center for Molecular Cardiology (Schlieren) and international partners, we have a vast amount of expertise in biomedical engineering, clinical and translational arrhythmia research. All forms of ablation and device therapies are provided to our patients. We are currently performing >35 complex ablations of VT per year including epicardial ablation, and are a regional-wide renowned centre for this type of treatment.

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Prof. Dr. med. Nicolaus Andratschke

 is Deputy chairman of the Department of Radiation Oncology, as well as a Professor Adjunct and radiation oncologist at the University Hospital of Zurich. He has established a strong foundation in SBRT by working with the German Society of Radiation Oncology. In addition, as part of the working party “DEGRO AG Extrakranielle Stereotaxie“ he has established three of largest registry databases worldwide collecting data on stereotactic radiotherapy for stage I lung cancer, and lung- and liver metastases. He will be the lead for WP1.


PD Dr. med. Ardan Saguner

PD Dr. med. Ardan Saguner is a senior consultant and senior researcher in the arrhythmia unit of the Department of Cardiology, teaching faculty of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich in Human Medicine of, and EHRA board-certified cardiac arrhythmia specialist at the University Heart Center Zurich (University Hospital Zurich). He is the head of the VT ablation program at USZ. He will be the co-lead for WP1.

Dr. med. Michael Mayinger 

Dr. med. Michael Mayinger is a senior consultant at the Department of Radiation Oncology and on 50% protected research time to work on MR guided STAR.

Dr. med. Boldizsar Kovacs

Dr. med. Boldizsar Kovacs is a clinical and research fellow in cardiac electrophysiology in the arrhythmia unit of the Department of Cardiology.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 945119. Follow us on Twitter and Linkedin.

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