
Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)

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LUMC is a university medical center for research, education and patient care with a high quality profile and a strong scientific orientation. LUMC is centre for medical innovation and offers state-of-the-art research facilities. LUMC participates in the League of European Research Universities (LERU), as well as Eurolife, EIT Health, and other international research alliances.

The Department of Cardiology is a high volume, national and international referral center for the treatment of complex ventricular arrhythmias, performing approximately 180 VT catheter ablation per year. Radiation oncology at LUMC is an academic Radiation Oncological Department in two locations with access to brachytherapy,  image guided photon and proton RT.

One of the main research lines of the departments is the integration of multimodal data sets to guide catheter ablation of complex ventricular arrythmias. LUMC has developed a method of real-time registration of invasive electroanatomical mapping data and multimodal cardiac imaging (CT and CE-CMR) validated by whole heart histology to accurately define, delineate and register segmented scars and related VT substrates with registration errors of less than 2.0±0.3mm  in humans in-vivo and in animal models. This workflow, with related software packages, has been successfully applied during routine catheter procedures for many years. In collaboration with IKEM, LUMC has adapted and further developed the workflow for data transfer to the planning CT with promising pilot data.

Personnel uitklapper, klik om te openen

Prof. dr. Katja Zeppenfeld

Prof. dr. Katja Zeppenfeld is Full Professor of cardiology and head of the unit of clinical electrophysiology at the LUMC, as well as Honorary Professor at the University Hospital Aarhus, Denmark. Prof. Zeppenfeld will be leader of WP2. She will also be involved in WP4 and the Credentialing Auditing Committee (CAC). She is the co-author and section chair of the recently published expert consensus statement on catheter ablation of ventricular arrythmias (Cronin et al., 2020, Heart Rhythm 17), and course director of the annual European Heart Rhythm association advanced EP with focus on VT ablation course.


Prof. dr. Coen Rasch

Prof. dr. Coen Rasch is a radiotherapist-oncologist, Full Professor in radiotherapy, as well as chair of radiation oncology at LUMC. In addition, he is the chairman of the Dutch Society of Radiotherapy and Oncology (NVRO) since 2015, and course director at ESTRO (European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology) since 2010. Prof. Rasch will be involved in WP4 of STOPSTORM.

Publications uitklapper, klik om te openen

  1. Remeijer P, Rasch C, van Herk M, Lebesque JV. Margins for systematic translation and rotation, a probability based approach. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2002; 53: 464-74.
  2. van Herk M, Remeijer P, Rasch C, Lebesque, V. The probability of correct target dosage - dose population histograms for deriving treatment. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2000; 47: 1121-35.
  3. Rasch CR, Steenbakkers RJ, Fitton I, et al. Decreased 3D observer variation with matched CT-MRI, for target delineation in Nasopharynx cancer. Radiat Oncol 2010; 5: 21.
  4. Piers SR, Tao Q, de Riva Silva M, et al. CMR-based identification of critical isthmus sites of ischemic and nonischemic ventricular tachycardia. JACC Cardiovascular imaging 2014; 7: 774-84.
  5. Piers SR, van Huls, van Taxis CF, et al. Epicardial substrate mapping for ventricular tachycardia ablation in patients with non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy: a new algorithm to differentiate between scar and viable myocardium developed by simultaneous integration of computed tomography and contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. European heart journal 2013; 34: 586-96.


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 945119. Follow us on Twitter and Linkedin.

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