
Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)

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The Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) is one of the leading German universities and has been identified ‘University of Excellence’ by the German government. TUD has around 31.500 students, 8.300 employees and 600 professors. As a full-curriculum university with 17 faculties in five schools, it offers a broad variety of 124-degree programmes and covers a wide research spectrum. The TUD emphasises international and regional cooperation, including partnerships with 70 universities worldwide and with regional science institutes. TUD is part of the National Center for Radiation Oncology, as well as a partner site of both the German Cancer Consortium and the National Center for Tumor Diseases.

The Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology has extensive experience in image-guided high-precision radiotherapy using photons and protons. The department has ample access to 2 PET-MR, 1 PET-CT, and 2 dual-energy CT-scanners, and the scans are used for radiation treatment planning and response assessment. All highly conformal treatment modalities are offered at the Department and an MR-linear accelerator is expected to be installed in 2021. In addition, in 2014 proton beam therapy was established and has since been applied to the treatment of > 1100 patients.

Starting in 2013, the Clinical Trial Office has been systematically established in Dresden. The office supports the preparation of clinical trials, including preparation of study protocols, patient information and consent forms, documentation forms, conclusion of insurance policies and contracts, application to the ethics committee or federal authorities, etc. The Clinical Trial Office coordinates and supports monocentric and multicentre studies in order to advance research and development in the field of radiotherapy and to be able to offer patients more gentle treatment options in the future.

OncoRay, the “National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology” represents a new, future-oriented research effort in the field of radiation research in oncology, building on the international reputation and extensive research infrastructure of the Dresden group. This center is jointly operated by the TUD, the Faculty of Medicine, the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, and the Helmholtz-Centrum Dresden - Rossendorf.

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Dr. Esther Troost

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Esther Troost is senior radiation oncologist, chair of the department of radiation oncology and professor for ‘image-guided high-precision radiation oncology’. In the project STOPSTORM she will include and treat patients as well as supervise the data analysis; involvement in the project 5%.


Dr. Fabian Lohaus

Dr. med. Fabian Lohaus is senior radiation oncologist and expert in stereotactic radiotherapy.  In STOPSTORM he will include and treat patients; involvement in the project 10%.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 945119. Follow us on Twitter and Linkedin.

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